Partial List of Clients



Advanced Micro Devices

AIWA Research and Development

American Association of Museums

Amherst College

Bell South (now AT&T)

Blue Mountain, Vermont Regional School District

Boston Center for the Arts

Boston Foundation

Boston University Dental School

Boston University School of Public Health

Burlington Vermont Public Schools

Centers for Disease Control



City of Melrose, Massachusetts

Community of Salida, California

Digital Equipment Corporation (now Hewlett-Packard)

Eliot Community Human Services

Fannie Mae

Foundation for International Training

FMC Corporation

Glaxo SmithKline

Hallmark Hospital

Hoechst Celanese

International Hunter Education Association

The Learning Exchange

Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra

Maine Coalition for Excellence in Education

Met Life of Canada

Monroe County, New York Public Schools

Monsanto Chemical

Nevada Board of Public Health

New Brunswick Telephone

New York Academy of Medicine

North Penn School District

Organon Pharmaceuticals

Pine and Swallow Environmental Engineering


Presidents' Summit on Volunteerism

Quality Metrics

State of Maine Department of Education


UNICEF (Bangladesh, South Asia Region, New York Headquarters)

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

United Nations Aids (UNAIDS)

United Nations Family Planning Agency (UNFPA)

United Way of Rhode Island

US Environmental Protection Agency

US Federal Aviation Administration

Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife

Some Things They Say

"There are few moments in time when there is a clear fork in the path of a major human endeavor. As we battle against the ancient and pervasive scourge of iodine deficiency, we are certainly at a turning point. Never before has the way to our goal been so clear or so near."

Rolf C. Carriere
Country Representative ,UNICEF Bangladesh
IDD Conference


"This was simply the most effective business planning meeting I've experienced in 25 years!"

Oleh Kostesky, Senior Group Manager,
Digital Equipment Corporation (now Hewlett-Packard).

"The coming together of DCD and CUIP provides a rare opportunity for us, namely, to start from scratch to build an organizational structure that will facilitate work as we move to the year 2000."

Sue Gault
Manager of Product Documentation and Training
Digital Equipment Corporation (now Compaq)
Creating the Future of Information


"To see this organization return to health has been very spirit lifting - a real shot in the arm."

Con Kenney
Fannie Mae

 "Your personal commitment and high quality interpersonal and professional level participation as staff for the "Leadership Action Forum: Building Bridges Between Public and Private Sectors for Community Health Improvement," contributed significantly to its Success and the beginning first steps toward the collaborative work of a broad coalition of national organizations."

Guadalupe S. Olivas, Ph.D.
Deborah Bohr, M.P.H.
Co-chairs, Conference Steering
Committee, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


"You did an outstanding job of managing the conference tasks and helping all of us create the common desired futures for our school, our children, and our community. It certainly was a life-changing experience for the members of our School Planning Team and for many of the other participants as well!"

Nancy Whitson
Snohomish District, State of Washington

"Feedback about The Summit has been very positive...there is universal approval for our having brought people together to engage in serious discussion about this important issue. There is also widespread agreement that the design and execution of the program was superlative. And for that you are to be congratulated."

Susan Aaronson
President, Maine Coalition for Excellence in Education